Thursday, December 27, 2018

The twins: 6 months and do I dare say it's getting fun?

Do I dare say things are starting to get fun around here? The babies are more interactive, laughing at each other more and I'm able to predict naps which is KEY. There's still days where I wish I could disappear and take a solo vacation with nothing but my yarn and gallons of alcohol. But those really crazy leave-me-alone-once-daddy-gets-home days don't happen as much now. 

I'm definitely trapped. Still trapped at home. I'm waiting for Lachlan to get into preschool so I can go out and DO the things again. It's literally impossible with all three in tow. With a toddler than can run away and babies that can lose their shit at the unpredictable drop of a hat, I'm TERRIFIED to do anything with all of them on my own them besides park trips and confined playdates. I turned my back ONCE at the mall play area to make someone a bottle and I lost sight of Lachlan because he ran out into the mall. That's all it takes is to lose sight for 5 seconds. 

But with just two babies (haha doesn't that STILL sound crazy? JUST two babies?) With two babies, I can at least walk into a store for a short shopping trip. I can go for a high speed walk with them in the stroller. When Lach's with us he's as slow as molasses because he's walking or on his scooter. I'm getting so fat because I can't MOVE my body. And I stress eat all the cookies and chocolate.

The babies definitely went through a growth spurt for a good solid two weeks or so. They really put us through the wringer with constant whining, fussing, and general overall unhappiness with whatever we did with them. I felt like a marionette. They also had a sleep regression and started waking up twice a night again even though they were sleeping through for a while there.

And there's days where it's like, what we call, "baby whack-a-mole" where one baby finally settles down and up pops the other with all the needs. And then we get them settled and the other baby who we just settled pops up with more needs. 


Here they are looking cute as ever and then I see them together like this and it makes my heart melt and we go through so. many. emotions.

-is almost 17 pounds
-is able to sit up for a few seconds
-is more into his chew toys
-still has no teeth
-had two spoonfuls of oatmeal but spit the rest out
-is very loud and strong but has his sister to compete with now
-his overall demeanor has improved and we don't know if it's from the Prevacid for reflux that's finally working or if he's just outgrowing it, but he's been much more happy.
-is in size 3 diapers
-is in size 6 month clothes
-smiles easily at people and our dog

-is almost 15 pounds
-has found her loud voice and isn't afraid to use it for what she wants, or just basically all the time now
-is much more into her chew toys, but no teeth yet
-is in size 3 diapers
-is in size 6 month clothes (but can squeeze into 3 months if she has to because mommy didn't do the laundry)
-not into baby food, she spits it right out
-has the prettiest smile

Yes, the days can be certifiably nuts, but then I see them all together and can't believe they're all mine and how lucky I am to have beautiful healthy babies.


  1. They are beautiful Alycia and I love seeing photos of them! I’m sure it’s not easy but I think you’re doing a great job. :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall