Thursday, June 7, 2018

Final thoughts on my twin pregnancy

This is like, the millionth time I've tried to write out this post. I want to sound grateful, I want to sound happy, but I really had a shitty time of this twin pregnancy, I hate to say. I blame it all on how miserable I felt the entire 9 months...

My entire body hurts, I can't sleep without Unisom, even then it's broken sleep because of all the pee, I'm congested all the time, my hips hurt at night, my lower back hurts all day, my pelvis feels like it's splitting apart, there's a 6 pound baby's head grinding into my cervix which takes my breath away at times, there's another baby kicking me in the diaphragm, I feel like throwing up after most meals because there's no room, my blood sugar drops fast and sometimes I'm unprepared, my heart races and skips a lot which feels like an anxiety attack, I can't walk more than 2 minutes without needing to sit, I can't sit upright in a chair without feeling faint, and probably worst of all, I can't play with my son (he's gotten so used to it, he will only ask for his Dad or Gigi to help him with things even if I'm literally right there to help. I'm invisible to him).

I'm basically just so ready to be done being pregnant, done feeling like a vessel for their growth and survival, and ready to start raising these babies...get through the inevitable sleepless nights and stress of breastfeeding/pumping. And even while we're in the thick of it, at least my body will be empty of 12 pounds of babies and I'll be able to breathe, I'll be able to walk again, I'll be able to sit up. I will never take any of these basic things for granted as long as I live! This has been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but I freakin did it. One week to go.

So final thoughts; I'm grateful for my babies, I'm grateful for their health, I'm grateful for all the help and words of encouragement I've received, but holy crap I'm so glad to be done! And in a week! And done done, like forever. No more babies after this.

Twin moms everywhere deserve a crown, or at the very least, to be called a Queen.

1 comment

  1. I can only imagine what kind of toll a twin pregnancy puts on your body. My Mom was on bed rest for the last 2.5 months of the pregnancy with me and my sister (and we came early) and she basically had the same experience: it was miserable.

    I hope the joy of your twin-siblings will make up for it!! <3 Hang in there you're almost there!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall