Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Speech delays

No surprise, we have a speech delay.

Colorado offers free evaluations and therapy for kids up to age 4 (I think?) so our pediatrician recommended we get Lachlan evaluated. He has 30+ words but isn't putting two-word sentences together yet (though the day before his evaluation he said "bye-bye truck"). And he speaks in LOTS of gibberish. Super cute sounding gibberish, but nothing that we can understand. As a college grad, I got my B.A. in speech pathology so I knew what to expect at his evaluation, though I don't really remember all that much about the actual therapy part. But it's so much different being on the other side of things, I can tell you that!

So I took him in on Monday to a really great place for his eval, they had a room full of toys, a play kitchen, a slide, puzzles, tables and chairs. He did a lot of fun running back and forth between one thing and another, and they were really sweet with him. They got him to do a bunch of things like open a jar, fit a shape into the matching piece, figure out how to get a crayon out from under a clear box, feed a baby it's bottle, blow bubbles, push trucks down the slide. They just followed his lead and got the info they needed in about an hour. They asked me questions as well and I told them that he knows what I'm saying, he knows all his body parts, he knows a bunch of Star Wars characters even, he just won't say things back to me unless he already knows the word, though that is only sometimes. Like, if I say, "Say car" he won't. But if he sees a car he'll say "guck" which means "truck" which means "any vehicle at this point." He had a vision and hearing test too, which he passed. An OT and SLP evaluated him to be at 18 months with his speech and language (he's 2). Everything else, motor, sensory, behavioral, etc was normal.

So now we qualify for free speech therapy in our own home, which is really nice, though I'm wondering if he'd have more fun going somewhere with new and different toys and activities. We'll see! And if he still needs therapy when he's re-evaluated at 3, he will get free preschool.

Overall, I'm a little bummed he's delayed. No one wants their kid to be behind or struggle with anything. But at the same time, I'm not too worried right now. I feel like with the therapy and time, he will get to where he needs to be. He's a smart kid, I know he understands us and he can point things out to us when asked. But it would be really nice to understand him to avoid lots of frustration and tears when he tells us stuff we don't understand. I also would LOVE if he could tell me what he wants to eat (wishful thinking, I know!), because right now I HATE meal times as we're usually playing charades with him and guessing what he wants. It's hit or miss. One day he'll like something, but the next day he hates it. There's SO much food wasted! Plus, I kinda want to hear my sweet baby boy talk in words, he has such a sweet voice as it is.

Has anyone had success with speech therapy for their kiddo? I'd love to hear your experiences!


  1. Yes! P has been having speech lessons twice a week and it has been a miracle! Seriously... his SP has completely changed our lives by giving us all the skills to help him communicate. It's like a switch flipped and he's a different child now. I went through a pretty rough spell of blaming myself for it (did I not talk to him enough, do I hinder his speech in some way), but the lessons really showed me that he has the skills, he just needed to get over the hurdles.

  2. I wonder if he's going to be one of those kids who all the sudden comes out speaking full paragraphs. I don't know anything about child development, but the fact that he'll only repeat words he already knows makes me curious... Either way, I hope the speech lessons help! I had them as a kid & assure I'm a suuuuuper good talker these days. ;)

  3. haha that's good to know! a lot of people have told us their kids started talking like crazy once they turned 2, and i feel like he's learning more words but still not putting them together into small phrases yet, like 'more please' or 'shoes off' which is what he should be doing. we're starting speech in january and i'm looking forward to seeing changes!

  4. that's really awesome to hear! i'm really hoping we have success like that. i too wondered if i was in part to blame. i remember his pediatrician asking me if i talk to him a lot when he was just even a few months old, and i thought i did, but typically when it's just us at home or in the car, i didn't really do so much talking. that's just me, like i don't feel like it lol! but now i'm constantly talking to him to the point of feeling like a crazy person in the grocery store or wherever we are. the fact that i know he knows what i'm saying makes me not so worried right now. he's going to talk eventually. it's not like he's gonna be 13 and going bababababa goorblybloblygoosh lol


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Maira Gall