Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A letter to Lachlan on his first birthday

Dear Lachlan,

I can't believe you're one! One whole year. And we survived it together! Today is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be. Gosh, you look like a completely different baby! I remember when you came out, how you felt like warm, wet velvet. Those very first moments of meeting you after that come in fragments, and that sometimes makes me sad, but that first memory is one I remember all of and am very thankful for. Then, two days later, the nurses at the hospital said we can go home and, oh my god, we are on our own! What a scary and exciting feeling. One minute you were lying in your rocker completely helpless and we're trying to figure you out, and now, only a few mere months later you are moving all about, crawling, climbing, cruising, and close to walking, growing more and more independent. It's amazing. We've hit all your first holidays, documented all your milestones, and learned so much right along with you. Each time you discover something new, it's amazing to me to know that you somehow knew how to figure it out. I love seeing your discoveries. And it's my personal goal each and every day to make you laugh so I can hear those pure, deep, genuine giggles. There was a time were I wasn't sure I'd ever get to hear your laughs, but I thank the universe every day for giving you to us.

You're such a good kid and we love you so so much. We're already so proud of everything you do. You bring so much joy to our lives and we're so grateful for you.




  1. Happy First Birthday to Lachlan! Amazing to think a year has gone by already.

  2. Just a little note to say I enjoy your blog and thanks for writing it. I've been reading for a few months now.
    I'm expecting my first child at the end of January, and I'm so excited, and a little anxious, and all the feels!

  3. aw thank you! you'll be having all the feels for a very long time ;) best of luck with your delivery!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall