Friday, September 16, 2016

10 months old: Won't stop moving!

This month, Lachlan:
  1. Weighs 23 lbs 
  2. Is crawling! No more moving backwards and sideways. He's zooming all over the place! 
  3. Makes a funny squealing noise as he crawls 
  4. He can pull himself up to standing. 
  5. Is about ready to start climbing stairs 
  6. Claps 
  7. Does this funny thing where he flicks his lips with his fingers to make funny sounds 
  8. Talks to himself and makes up the cutest pretend words. He says "ish" alot. 
  9. Mimicked us for the first time by clapping when he saw us clapping, or doing the funny lip sounds when we did them. 
  10. Wants everything he can't have like our phones, remotes, charger cables, Monty's face 
  11. Crawls into the bathroom while I'm peeing. The first of millions of times I'm sure. 
  12. Went to his first baseball game. 
  13. Cries at loud crowd cheers and electric drill noises 
  14. Had his crib mattress lowered 
  15. Is in mostly size 12 month clothes 
  16. Had his first night with a babysitter so we could go out on a date finally 
  17. Went to his first birthday party 
  18. Is down to 2 naps 
  19. Visited more yarn shops in his 10 months than I ever did at that age 
  20. Eats puffs really well but doesn't seem to like the lumpy baby foods yet. He gags on it. 

Lessons learned this month:
  1. If you think you babyproofed a room, you probably didn't so go through it again 
  2. Then remove literally everything 2 feet and under 
  3. Then prepare to remove more things once they can stand 
  4. Your first official date night with a babysitter at home won't be relaxing at all because you'll be worried the entire time 

1 comment

  1. It is so true that the first night away is not at all relaxing. It's stressful AF. But awesome that you did it! It definitely gets easier over time. :) He's growing up so fast!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall