Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sitting here amongst all the stuff and the silence

I finally have a moment to sit uninterrupted in the delicious silence, while at the same time, also be inspired to write. It's hard to line up both of those things. Lachlan is in bed, I just ran around the house picking shit up and putting it somewhere else inside, as well as outside because kid stuff seems to explode out of the house too, and most of what I needed to do today is done. I'm always more efficient in list format, so here's what's been going on!


I'm finishing up My Lady Jane, which was in my July OwlCrate. I totally would never have picked this book on my own in a million years, and you know what? I really like it. It's awesome. It's funny and entertaining and super long, which I like. It's a play off of King Henry the VIII and his 3 kids, Mary queen of Scots, Edward, and Elizabeth and there's a little fantasy element to it too. I dig it.

I'm also reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. And goddamnit, now I am in the middle of purging all the things but because of Lachlan and since babies have needs and all, I can't get through the job as fast as I'd like so there's boxes of stuff lying around and it's stressing me out. But the one job I did complete, my closet, makes my mind feel very clear and happy. I donated a garbage bag full of clothes that either no longer fit or don't bring me joy, as the author puts it. I also have huge piles of unwanted books and dvds I have no idea what to do with. It's such a hassle to list shit online to sell, especially since nothing would sell for a mere $2 a pop. What's the point? What do I do? Tell me what to do!


Stranger Things, duh. Oh man, this show is amazing, giving me all the nostalgic feels, the music is super cool. I love how there are parts that remind me of other 80s movies I love like Goonies and ET and Little Shop of Horrors and a little bit of Creepshow, especially in the intro. And even though it's from 1990, I was reminded a little bit of IT too. I'm gonna watch it again eventually.

I'm still binging on Catfish. This show just draws me in. I love how Nev and Max work their detective skills to find the truth. And I've been surprised at some endings because I was 100% sure the person was being catfished but it was really the person they were talking to all along.

Also, I'm watching Preacher and Ride on the AMC app on my tablet. And when I don't want it to be quiet, but I'm not quite paying attention, I'll put on The Walking Dead for the 5th or 6th time now.


I'm in the process of crocheting a giant granny square blanket. I currently have 4 squares and I'm trying to decide if I want to make 2 more so it's a longer blanket rather than square when it's stitched together. I went to Hobby Lobby after seeing Lisa's version to get the yarn.

I'm putting together a Shutterfly photo book of our vacation. I always find codes for free 8x8 books so why not? It's an easy way to document our trips and at the same time, get all the cute photos of Lachlan in one place. I know I would never have the time to print them out and put them in a photo album or something. Does anyone even do that anymore? I have all these digital images but nothing hard.


Tired, hot, achey, and bored. It doesn't even take much to make me sweat with this heat. I can't sit outside for more than 5 minutes without sweating profusely. I'll compare my skin to Lachlan's and he's nice and cool and dry, but I'm sitting there drenched. Hormones, man. Fuck em. The hormones and the sweating are also the cause of my out of control acne. WTF? It's the worst it's ever been I'd say even worse than my teenage years. I want to go to a dermatologist eventually. I can't take much more. At this rate, between all the doctor's I've been to for my headaches lately, I'm very close to finally reaching my deductible. Then I'm gonna go on a healthcare shopping spree. Man, I'm the coolest.

I'm also feeling homesick a tiny bit since going back east for our vacation. Before we went home, I kinda built this wall up over the last 2 years to stop any sad feelings from coming through when I thought about how much I missed my people, and now that I went back and saw everyone, pieces of that wall fell away and it's letting in sad and homesick-y feelings. Blah!


The kid is on the move! And just like 20 people told me before, I better get myself a new pair of sneakers! Thank goodness I have a DSW coupon. I also need to get on with the babyproofing. I need to make a stop at Babies R Us for some outlet covers and whatnot.

Other Shizz

Our baby monitor broke. And by broke, I mean the screen is completely white washed and I can't see Lachlan which freaks me out because now that he rolls over on his belly, of all the times to have a video monitor it's now. I ordered a new one from Target that will arrive on Friday, and once it does, I'm sending the broken one to the manufacturer to get fixed. It was too expensive to just replace with another one. This way, when it comes back repaired, we'll have 2 which will leave us with a back up. But I have to admit, even when it wasn't broken, it wasn't all that great. In the mean time, I'm using it mainly as an audio monitor at least, and I'll sneak in his room like a ninja to see how he's lying.

We are planning on going on a trip in the fall to either New Mexico or Telluride or Mesa Verde CO. I want to check out New Mexico as I've never been, but I think Brian wants to do the other two. Either way, I'm really excited about the idea of a road trip especially now that we have a bit more confidence when it comes to traveling with Lach.

I need to get back into shape. I feel fatter than I did postpartum. The breastfeeding/pumping thing and the calories it burned was awesome, but now that I've stopped, you can tell I've packed on some weight. I've reached this point a few years ago when I just start feeling uncomfortable in my body and clothes didn't fit right. But I somehow gathered the motivation to run on the treadmill and I lost the weight. But now, I have zero motivation because in my downtime (aka Naptime), the last thing I want to do is fucking run. I'm always tired and would way rather relax. But the time has come. I need to do something about it. I will feel better once I do, I know it. I just need a kick in the butt.

That's it for now. Go watch Stranger Things if you haven't!


  1. Ahhhh Stranger Things is so good! We binged the whole thing in two nights and I already want to watch it again. Loved it.

    Regarding pictures - what I do each year is make a family yearbook. I take literally thousands of pictures each year, and as you said, for the most part they just sit on a hard drive. So in late December/January, I create a yearbook. It's really great to look back on and see all the random shit we did throughout the year. And since Shutterfly has a ton of coupon codes all the time, it's usually pretty cheap. I also update the frames we have hanging each year. I make prints specifically for each frame, so when they come in I already know where they're going and it saves a ton of time.

  2. When I was going through a bunch of media/books last year, I grouped DVDs by genre or actor and they surprisingly sold on eBay. I did a horror lot, an adventure/action lot, etc. I always just donate books, unless maybe they're hardcovers in really good condition. Those might sell online. Clothes are a crap shoot unless you've got high-end brands. I know some people who sell on Poshmark and have some success, but it takes way too much work for my liking. I just got used to loosing out on money and donate half my crap. I purge on a regular basis and man it feels good!

    Stranger Things was creepy for me, but then I'm a major wuss about being scared. lol. I did love the plot and the 80s nostalgia though. I hope there's a season two. Maybe it'll be like AHS and be different stories each season?

  3. i love the idea of a year book! i'd love to do something like that to indulge my need to take millions of pics of my kid and have something to show for it haha and shutterfly is awesome, i love the quality of their books.

  4. grouping by genre sounds like a good idea! i would love to try it if i didn't have to do it myself lol i'm so lazy with that stuff. i'm most likely going to donate them. even if i listed them for sale online, they'd have to sit in my house somewhere until someone buys one when i just want them to be gone.

    i hope there's a 2nd season too. whether it's a new story or continuing on this one, i know i'll love it :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall