Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My first mother's day weekend

I had the most amazing first mother's day. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but I loved it immensely. It was important for me to take a bunch of pictures of us first and foremost. And Brian spoiled me with a set of delicious Knit Picks yarns....

Lachlan scribbled on a card for me, which made my heart melt. I'm going to keep that card for-ev-errrr. Bri made me scallops for dinner which were delicious, but the house still smells of fish 3 days later which is making me rethink cooking fish indoors ever again!

Saturday I went to Horseshoe Market with my friend for their spring show. I went to their show last year with Brian and it was equally as good. Only this time we got rained out with torrential sleet and wind! We made it inside a building to eat our falafel while the worst of the storm happened, so we were mostly dry. But the vendors understandably closed their shops up early, but not before I bought the coolest alpaca shirt EVAR. It even has a yarn ball!

We left as soon as the weather broke but felt like hardcore badasses since we were the LAST people to leave. But it's definitely the coolest type of craft show, everything handmade is very contemporary, there's some vintage and antiques, lots of food trucks and mobile shops. If you're ever around Denver when there's a show you should check it out! The next one is in July.

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Maira Gall