Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pregnancy after IVF: Weeks 5-

I plan on doing pregnancy updates once a month so if it's not your thing, no hard feelings! I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea. Just skip these. But you know me, I love sharing and keeping it real so...

And just know that even though my symptoms suck and it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. I couldn't be happier to feel so shitty!

Week 4:

Baby is the size of a poppy seed.

Only symptom are period-like cramps on and off everyday.

I had my pregnancy blood test (called a beta test) which happened to fall right around my birthday, but I cheated and took a home pregnancy test everyday for 4 days starting 8 days after my transfer which showed positive. Confusing? Sorry.

My beta confirmed I am pregnant with such high numbers! Anything over 20 or 25 will show up on a home pregnancy test. And my first beta number at 11 days post frozen embryo transfer was 756!! Beta #2 was done 3 days later to ensure the number is doubling properly and was 2423. Holy crap I'm pregnant! I'm convinced my embryo implanted the night after transfer so it had a long time to "cook" which is why my number was so nice and high.

First ultrasound scheduled for 3 weeks later. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 5:Baby is the size of a sesame seed.

Tired, thirsty all the live-long day and night, period-like cramps on and off. Had horrible heart palpitations, took myself to the ER and they were diagnosed as premature ventricular contractions which are apparently harmless. Haven't had them since this episode. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 6:

Baby is the size of a grain of rice.

Symptoms started to kick in, some of which were really strange like my teeth and gums hurting for 2 days. Also, exhausted, extremely thirsty, dizzy, lightheaded where my ears felt full, sharp boob pains, cramps on and off, hunger comes on intensely, some nausea and gagging, having bad sleep from needing to drink and pee. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 7:

Baby is the size of a blueberry.

I had my first OB ultrasound which confirmed a heartbeat! 134 BPM, measuring ahead and is 8.5 mm long. I cried my face off the entire time. The tech (who was the same lady who helped with my embryo transfer!) had to tell me to please stop so she could measure. She also told Brian all this information because I couldn't stop crying long enough to hear anything she said. Holy crap, I'm growing a tiny human!

Also had my first pregnancy puke (which I was strangely happy about), full blown gagging and food/smell aversions, still really tired, thirsty, cramps aren't as bad, pants are soooo tight I have to do the hairband in the button hole thing. I figured out I need to eat every 2 hours or I get insanely hangry and shaky.

I booked my first midwife appointment at the facility I want to transfer my care to (and subsequently deliver our baby at) after I "graduate" from my fertility clinic in a few weeks! I totally felt like I was jinxing myself by doing this. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Word got out at work that I'm pregnant thanks to the loud mouth nurse who I told in confidence when I was having those heart palpitations and went to the ER. I'm super fucking pissed about this but I keep telling myself at least I have this problem: it means our IVF worked. Trying to decide how to go about announcing this at work now, since people know but don't know that I know.

Week 8: Baby is the size of a raspberry.

Cramps have gone down, still having random gagging fits and am really really tired. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 9:

We graduated from our clinic today!

They gave us this sleeper gown as a gift and I cried my face off in the car!

Baby is the size of a grape. Measured ahead at 9 weeks 1 day, 177 beats per minute, 24mm long!

Cramps are pretty much gone which is scary as I like the reassurance every now and then, I'm not as thirsty as before but I'm still really really tired and have occasional headaches. My appetite is starting to come back but I'm still prone to gagging.

I'm still have to go in for blood work weekly but all appointments with my clinic are over. My care is being transferred to a midwife who works with a nearby hospital. I'm also starting to wean off my meds which is scary but I'm thrilled about because my butt can't take many more shots. I'm bruised up and so sore. So now I'm doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, down to 1.0 mL of progesterone injections each day, down to 1 estrogen patch till Saturday then the patches are done, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 10

Baby is the size of a date.

I'm starting to feel a little better. My appetite is back and random gagging fits aren't as frequent. I'm still really tired. We had our first midwife appointment at 10 weeks 1 day. She didn't do measurements, but she did check for a heartbeat to calm my worried mind. God forbid I start feeling better without thinking doom is lurking around the corner. The baby was moving around like crazy but I'm not feeling any of it yet! Started a prenatal yoga class.

Almost done with my meds! One more week to go. Now I'm doing 1 pill of Estradiol each day, 1.0 mL of progesterone injections each day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 11

Baby is the size of a lime.

Still really tired. Headaches all the time. ALL DONE WITH MY MEDS! My last intramuscular PIO shot and estrace tablet was on Friday the 24th. THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS.

Week 12

Baby is the size of a plum.

Feeling better, still having some headaches but I think it's from all the rain. And also still tired but now as much. This is causing me to fear missed miscarriage.

Week 13

Baby is the size of a hot jalepenjo.

Feeling better, and because of that I panicked and went in for a quick doppler to check for a heart beat. Everything was ok. We also announced the pregnancy on social media this week. Still feeling tired.

Second trimester!

Week 14

Baby is the size of a beet

Still having headaches, going to bed early. I've had a few heart palpitations but feeling good otherwise. Also got my dopper to listen to baby's heartbeat at home. My parents came to CO to visit. We told them it's a boy and they got to hear the heartbeat at my 14 week appointment.

Week 15

Baby is the size of an avocado

I had 3 days worth of shortness of breath where I felt like I couldn't get all the air in after trying to yawn. It was very scary. I got sick the first night from being thrown into a panic over it. Now my rib and neck muscles are sore from straining to yawn once a minute all day.

Week 17

Baby is the size of a turnip

Still having shortness of breath. I think I may be anemic. I asked my midwife to check my iron levels and recheck my thyroid. Also waiting on spina bifida results. I'm starting to feel big now and it's starting to get harder to bend and lean forward. It's uncomfortable to sit in one position too long, and sometimes at night I get cramps in my hips no matter how I lie. Nighttime bathroom breaks are up to 3 times a night. BUT I felt baby's first kicks this week! I thought it was gas at first but there's no mistaking his little movements now.

Week 18

Baby is the size of a sweet potato

I had horrible headaches and one migraine this week that threw me into a full on panic attack. I almost went to the ER that's how painful it was, but I calmed down after a walk. I also went in for a reassurance scan as I was having cramps and couldn't get out of my head that something was wrong with my cervix. The scan showed everything is just fine, but I do have a low lying placenta. The doc is confident it will move up as the baby gets bigger. The cramps have since stopped. I'm still feeling tired a lot but I love feeling baby kicks! It's more obvious now. Still very light, but a little more frequent. I know what it feels like now so I'm aware of it more often.. Aunt Lanna bought baby's first pieces of furniture. The mattress arrived but we are waiting for the crib and dresser. It's hard to eat full meals, especially dinner. I feel like there's no room for the food so I feel nauseous and threw up once.

Week 19

Baby is the size of a tomato

The baby is supposed to grow 4 inches this week. I don't know how accurate that is, but if my extreme fatigue has anything to do with it, than it must be right. Headaches are crazy frequent and I feel as tired and lazy as if I had the flu. I am constantly anticipating a headache so it makes planning things difficult as I don't want to be in pain outside of my comfort zone. Baby kicks are more frequent, especially when I lie on my back. All I want is my bed.

Week 20

Baby is the size of a mango

My insides are starting to run out of room! I can no longer eat a full meal at dinner otherwise I risk throwing up at night. My headaches seem to improve with magnesium supplements, only the supplements don't quite agree with my stomach. And I'm pretty sure I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction one morning. My stomach felt really hard for a few seconds. My midwife said to up my water intake in the hopes of keeping them away but I'm already drinking so much water and feeling bloated that it's hard to drink even more.

Week 21

Baby is the size of a banana

The last few weeks I've been having a really hard time mentally. I keep having cramps, and I believe 2 braxton hicks contractions too, that scared me so bad. I can't help but think the worst so I think I'd like to talk to a therapist for ways to cope. I don't feel like my midwife is taking my fears seriously so I feel like I'm on my own with this. Just me and Google.

Week 22

Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash

Baby kicks have become harder and Brian can feel them from the outside easily now. Still having a few cramps every now and then but they go away with Tylenol so that makes me feel better that they aren't signs of preterm labor but just stretching of my muscles and ligaments. Also, my stomach has no room to stretch after I eat so I continue to feel sick after I eat. So I feel nauseous until I'm hungry again.

Week 23

Baby is the size of a papaya

Week 24

Baby is the size of an ear of corn

We reached viability! This is a huge milestone and I'm hoping my anxiety levels will go down now and I can start enjoying being pregnant and not constantly worrying. My headaches have been fewer and I didn't have cramps this week so I felt pretty good! I met Nancy, a midwife at South Denver OB, and she's my favorite. I really like her. My belly is measuring on track and Nancy checked my cervix, which is normal so if I do get some cramps, I have peace of mind. I hope she's the one at my delivery. Also, this week is my last week of work due to an extremely long and uncomfortable commute.

Week 25

Baby is the size of napa cabbage

I feel awful after I eat. I have to lie on my side to digest until I'm hungry again. There's days I can't get off the couch and there's days I feel great and not pregnant at all. It's so back and forth! Baby is moving and kicking so much. He even reached up near the side of my ribs a few times. He must be so big now.

Week 26

Baby is the size of a butternut squash

I've had a few headaches this week and Saturday I got sick to my stomach out of nowhere, so of course I freaked and called the on call doc. She wasn't concerned about anything, she thinks it was something I ate. Which she was probably right. I ate 4 oreos after lunch and ended up feeling just awful. It was just the suddenness of it all that scared me. Better safe than sorry. We went to a local beach this week, because our babymoon plans fell through due to a bug infestation in our hotel room, and my bathing suit looks just ridiculous so you won't find me in one this year.

Week 27

Baby is the size of a cucumber

Week 28

Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower

I failed my 1 hour gestational diabetes test. I have to go back next week to take the 3 hour test. I probably have GD because I feel awful after I eat lately. But my baby shower was on Saturday 8/22 and my mom and sister flew out to host it. It was really nice and I felt so loved. I got so many clothes, I'm pretty sure we're set for a long time. Also, took our first baby safe class.

Week 29

Baby is the size of a small cabbage/pineapple

I passed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test! What a relief! I don't know if it's i my head because of this success, but I felt pretty good the last few days after eating, unlike last week where I'd feel funny/dizzy/sleepy. I also finally had the nerve built up to donate my IVF meds back to my clinic. I saw my old IVF nurse Tasha and it was so nice. Our first childbirth class is tonight, the day before 30 weeks.

Week 30

Baby is the size of a head of lettuce

Still feeling the same: sleepy, short of breath, no room for food so nausea. Noticed some more stretch marks on the back of my lower hips/thighs. Learned about labor positions in our childbirth class. I'd like to get a birth ball.

Week 31

Baby is the size of a coconut

A few more weirdo symptoms this week: bloody nose after blowing, and joint pain in hands when I first wake up. Baby feels especially big and my upper stomach muscles right under my boobs feel like they are in a constant state of stretching. Lots of Braxton-Hicks which make me feel like I have to pee even though I don't really have to and I have a strange dry cough (actually I've had this since around 14 weeks but it happens during BH now). But baby is kicking my ribs pretty hard. I can feel a hard bump which I think is his foot, but I can't be sure.

Week 32

Baby is the size of a head of lettuce

Last childbirth class this week! I feel a bit more at ease with knowing more about birth and our hospital's protocols. I also hired our Doula, Julie. She'll be coming to our house to help with early labor. I can only hope things go to plan though.

Week 33

Baby is the size of a honeydew melon

Lots of braxton hicks this week. I probably should've called in since they were actually pretty consistent but they stopped after 5 hours. Got no sleep that night. Felt good otherwise. I really craved sweets and junk food this week but they make me feel awful. Brian installed the car seat base too.

Week 34

Baby is the size of a honeydew

Week 35

Baby is the size of a canary melon

Hand and wrist pain is now accompanied with arm numbness at night. I can't get any sleep from the pain and having to pee so I'm not feeling so well. I also had a dull constant headache for 3 days now. Went in to get checked for preeclampsia but I'm fine.

Week 36

Baby is the size of a large cantaloupe

I tested positive for GBS. Not happy about that. I'm also super emotional and just ready to be done being pregnant. I want my body back. Hand pain is still bad at night with occasional arm numbness when I "sleep." I can only sort of sleep in the guest room where I can have the entire bed to toss and turn in.

38 weeks

Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash

I'm so done! My wrists are in so much pain that I can't brush my teeth, crochet, put my hair up, cook, pick up the dogs, or use a knife. I feel awful. No sleep, tossing and turning, heart races after a shower sometimes and I have to lay down to recooperate. Just so ready for baby to come so I can have my body back. I used to be scared of the thought of labor, but now I welcome it for the relief.

Week 39

Baby is the size of a small pumpkin

I'm 1 cm dilated, 0% effaced. I've been having cramps on and off which I'm assuming is what got me there. I'm so completely ready to be done being pregnant. I've been bouncing on my birth ball, eating pineapple and dates. I'm willing to try anything to get things moving. My emotions have been all over the place, I'm so uncomfortable and am just ready to meet him!

Week 40

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Maira Gall