Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bookmark Dump: Onlies, things of the past, and yarn secrets

Ima try something different and post these Bookmark Dumps on the weekend for a while and see the response I get...or not. I know for me, personally, I always appreciate finding a kick ass linky post on the weekends when there's nothing going on in blog land and all I really wanna do is read blogs.

I haven't even had our kid yet and I feel like I could've written this:
I'll tell you why I only have one kid

Seeing these play purses brought back a ton of childhood memories!

OMG would you just look at him?!
Amigurumi turtle pattern


  1. I don't get the weird stigma that comes with only choosing to have one child, whether it has to to with fertility or not. My husband and I planned our first kiddo, and that's it. We have one child, and we're good. I don't get why that's so hard to understand!

  2. I love your Bookmark posts. I really only have good blog-reading time on the weekends anyways. Love the links! I think I read the only child one before. That may be me and my hubby and oh freaking well! And thanks for the flashbacks. A few of those are still around, in limited quantities, of course!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall