Friday, August 14, 2015

Bookmark Dump: Lost pageviews, HH Holmes movie, Crochet carrots

Does reading via RSS rob pageviews from a publisher? Basically, yes.
This is why some bloggers set up their feeds with a "read more" caption, but I fucking hate that so much!

I'm so excited to see Devil in the White City, a movie about one of the first documented serial killers, HH Holmes.
I'm going to read the book first.

These crochet projects are next on deck:
M. Richard the Whale


  1. I have that same carrot pattern in my stack to do next.... so vibrant!! (love your Bookmark Dumps!)

  2. I didn't know Devil In The White City was being made into a movie! I've had the book on my TBR list for awhile, I'll have to get on it.

  3. I can't stand that they've cast Leonardo DiCaprio as HH Holmes though. :/

  4. I am also one of those Google Reader/Feedly folks, and truly appreciate that you don't make us click thru to read. Still following, and try to comment sometimes. Hi!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall