Sunday, June 21, 2015

Weekly Snaps (and inconsequential chatter)

1. 8 year anniversary dinner
2. Green things
3. Mabel in the pool
4. Baby at 18 weeks

We celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary on Thursday the 17th. We went out to dinner at White Chocolate Grill and I had chicken crepes and mashed potatoes. Oh my god it was so delicious. Nothing can taste bad in a crepe. Brian got scallops and I so bad wanted to have a bite but they were only seared and I can't eat uncooked meats or fish. Boooo! We took a white chocolate brownie home for dessert because there was no way I wasn't going to get a dessert named after the restaurant. That was equally as delicious. After we ate, we walked around the "retail resort" as it was called, and just had a nice time to ourselves. I made sure to enjoy all our quiet and calm time together because this is our last anniversary spent alone before we have a baby with us at our next one. As happy as I am to have this little guy coming, I still can't help but feel a little bittersweet about that.

It's also been hot as hell the last week in the high 90s. Mabel loves her pool but the heat makes me feel disgusting. It's like you go all winter dying to get into the heat, and when it comes you're like YUCK and sit in the air conditioning. I hate that I can never be satisfied with the weather. Nothing compares to California in that sense.

And I've been having awful headaches still. I'm pretty sure it will be like this for me until the bitter end. This week (19 weeks) the baby is supposed to have a growth spurt where he'll grow 4 inches! It's usually been in half inch increments each week according to my pregnancy apps. So I'm pretty sure that's why I've been feeling extra shitty and tired this week.

Oh, and 6 more weeks of work! Yay!

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Maira Gall