Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pregnancy pros & cons thus far...

I'm 17 weeks as I write this...just starting my 5th month.

  • Watching my bump grow. I still have a hard time believing that pregnancy is happening to me.

  • People are nicer to me. People at work are always asking how I am and holding doors for me. Someone even offered to heat up my lunch for me! Awww! That would never happen before haha.

  • Big boobs and curves. Yup.

  • Reaching milestones and getting to share the news: ultrasound pics, gender, first kicks, etc.

  • First kicks. OMG I thought it was gas for three days but realized, nope it's him!

  • Making a registry is fun! I learned a lot about cool new products I had no idea existed.

  • Maternity pants.

  • Planning the nursery makes me giddy as hell.

  • Making baby-related DIYs (when I have the energy and patience).

  • The time is really flying, though I'm sure it will slow down when I'm feeling like a house and super uncomfortable.

  • Wondering who he'll look like/act like/be like.
  • The nastiness of morning sickness things: nausea, gagging, fatigue, puking, sweating, headaches, etc.

  • Puking without warning. My stomach never hurts, it just happens (only three times though).

  • Shortness of breath because my organs are being squished.

  • No more belly sleeping.

  • Discovering new pregnancy symptoms that no one told you about. No further comment.

  • Worrying about every little cramp, zap, and pain I feel. I'm more nervous than enjoying it.

  • Worrying about all the prenatal tests/anticipating bad test results.

  • Knowing too much of what could go wrong because of going through IVF.

  • Sometimes I REALLY just want a beer and under cooked scallops and a hot bath. And all at once.

  • I cry easily/I cry if I'm hungry and don't want any of the food we have/I cry if I'm tired. I basically feel like I'm on the verge of tears over nothing a lot.

  • My appetite is super finicky/I change my mind multiple times a day on what I want for dinner.

  • Having to drink so much damn water. I'm in the bathroom 30 times a day.

  • Any questions I have, I can never find THE answer. There's always contradicting answers. Frustrating.


  1. I am loving your pregnancy stories. So thrilled for you. The inconveniences of pregnancy will pass - which is a good thing. But the worry. . . never. I still sleep lightly at night listening to make sure my daughter is alright. . . and she is 16 years old.
    Love Noodles's Mom

  2. I'm so excited for you! I realise it must be very easy to fall into a trap of panicking at every new ache and pain, but try to relax and enjoy it!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall