Monday, June 29, 2015

Losing an internet friend and creative inspiration

Image via A Creative Being

One of my most favorite crocheters and crochet bloggers, Wink, took her life last Friday. I am so incredibly saddened by this. It took a while to sink in and then I was in tears. Even though I didn't know her in real life, we interacted on twitter and through blog comments sometimes and she was one of my creative inspirations. I bought the book Crochet Saved My Life a few years ago while I was dealing with anxiety (and just learning how to crochet), where she was one of two dozen women who shared her story on how crochet helped her through depression. That was how I found her blog.

I fell in love with her fun and colorful crochet projects, I loved her mandala crochet patterns and would hunt down the Simply Crochet issues with her patterns in them, I learned tunisian crochet because I fell in love with her scarves. She was always willing to help if you had a question about crochet or yarn or anything. She was very active in the crochet community. She had such a sweet spirit.

I'm so sad that she lost her battle with depression and my heart hurts for her family. She will be so very missed.

Kathryn, who wrote Crochet Saved My Life, started a thread in Wink's memory in the Crochet Saved My Life Ravelry Group for anyone who'd like to connect and remember Wink.


  1. Alycia, Thank you for letting us know about Wink. I just discovered her patterns and, like you, fell in love with them. I am always sad when someone sees no hope in their life and finds suicide is the only answer. It hurts so much for all who are left behind.
    Love Noodles's Mommy #2

  2. I too was in tears depression is such a frightening and difficult disease. Wink brought joy to so many of us. So sad she lost her battle.

  3. So horrible. I'm so sorry for this loss. :(

  4. A beautiful post here. And thanks for mentioning the group. I've taken so much solace today in sharing the grief and reactions with other people online who have been impacted. I also created #MandalasForMarinke, a collaborative art project that I hope will celebrate Wink's work, raise awareness about depression and give people a creative outlet for their feelings at this time. Info on Crochet Concupiscence. HUGS to all who need them today.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall