Thursday, June 25, 2015

Half-Baked: 20 Weeks Pregnant

This morning we went in for baby boy's 20 week anatomy scan. The tech took measurements of everything and he looks to be growing right on track. He weighs 12 oz and heart rate is 142. But the tech couldn't get a good picture of his face because he is sitting so low (and upside down) in my pelvis so I'll have to go back in 2 months for a recheck of what she couldn't measure today. But that's okay because 2 weeks ago I went in for a reassurance scan (I was having cramps and freaking the hell out) so she got a great pic of his face then at 18 weeks:

I can't believe I'm here. That I can say I'm half way through this pregnancy. And in 4 more weeks I'll have reached viability. And it seems to have gone by really fast! It certainly hasn't been easy, especially mentally.

The not so good:
  • My anxiety since getting pregnant has been sky high and through the roof.

  • I still worry about each cramp and pain, if my bump is big enough, if it's been a while between kicks, if I accidentally roll on my stomach at night, if I'm eating and drinking enough. But so far everything seems to be going well.

  • Physically I'm still really tired and having awful headaches and migraines about 4 times a week.

  • I cry so easily it's pathetic.

  • I have a low-lying placenta but both my midwife and a doc on staff aren't concerned. They feel confident it will move up as he grows bigger. If your placenta covers your cervix completely, you'll need a c-section, but mine is about 2 centimeters above. I just don't like that he's so close to the "exit."
The good:
  • Of course there are good things happening to counter the bad: Pregnancy dreams are real and I've been having them every night. They are so vivid and realistic I have to ask the person I dreamed about if it actually happened. So they are strange but I'm getting a kick out of it.

  • As for kicks, baby boy's been moving around like crazy! Brian finally got to feel a few even though it's still light from the outside. It's easier to feel when I'm sitting or lying on my back.

  • The nursery is coming along. I'm so excited to get it finished. Still waiting for the main furniture to arrive but we got the closet organization system installed so I can slowly start adding things as they come.

  • It's been both fun and hard choosing a name. I *think* we have a few contenders but we won't be telling a soul until he's born. If you ask me I will most likely say we have no idea yet.
And as for things that are supposed to happen to pregnant ladies:
  • I haven't had any strange food cravings. Just day to day cravings like, today I want straight up bread and butter with dinner, or I want those very specific pierogis from the farmer's market, or I want a tomato on my grilled cheese like they do at Denny's. Too bad I don't crave healthy snacks. If anything that's the last thing I want!

  • I haven't had any unwanted belly touching....yet. I don't think that will really happen especially once I leave my job and aren't interacting with so many strangers. I'm hoping my resting bitch face will come in handy here, and thwart any of those unwanted advances. I don't think I will mind if friends do it though.

  • And I'm just waiting for people to start telling me their birth story nightmares.


  1. Halfway already! I feel you on the anxiety - mine was sky high while pregnant as well. Here's to smooth sailing for the last half!

  2. You look amazing, happy, and healthy! So happy for you.

    I was wearing a very flowy hippy blouse one day at work and was well.....carrying too much pizza and Chinese food weight at the time. A seminar trainer who was there for the day rubbed my stomach and asked when I was due. It was both hilarious and mortifying. To get on with it, I told her I was due in 2 months!

    Even though I don't have kids, I still have one pregnancy story! Woo Hoo! Fingers crossed your RBF keeps strangers paws away :)

  3. You are great! Pregnancy update. You guys are trucking right along with names and nurseries and such. That is awesome!

    ...I hate the pregnancy/birth horror stories. (Here's the thing. I think that all stories are important and need to be respected and honoured and encouraged to be told. But the "ALL THE BAD THINGS EVER" stories that are basically just for the sake of scaring/further worrying a pregnant woman? That makes me crazy. I have a good story. If you ever want it, let me know. I LOVE talking pregnancy and birth. Love.)

  4. you are looking good and half way there yay! ah those vivid dreams I remember!! oh and the what ifs will never go away even when baby is here! just take it easy!

  5. omg but still, no one should assume a woman is pregnant until she's pushed a baby out haha! i can't imagine being that guy. there's no recovering after that lol


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Maira Gall