Saturday, May 23, 2015

First Trimester Bumps and Must-Haves

I know people are probably rolling their eyes at these because believe me, I used to do the same thing... I get it. So no hard feelings if this type of thing isn't your bag. Just skip! I'm going to try and keep the pregnancy posts condensed.

Week 6:
Baby is the size of a grain of rice.

Symptoms started to kick in, some of which were really strange like my teeth and gums hurting for 2 days. Also, exhausted, thirsty as hell, dizzy, lightheaded where my ears felt full, sharp boob pains, cramps on and off, hunger comes on intensely, some nausea and gagging, having bad sleep from needing to drink and pee. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 8:
Baby is the size of a raspberry.

Cramps have gone down, still having random gagging fits and am really really tired. Still doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, 1.5 mL of progesterone injections each day, 2 estrogen patches every other day, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 9:
Baby is the size of a grape.

We graduated from our clinic today! Measured ahead at 9 weeks 1 day, 177 beats per minute, 24mm long!

Cramps are pretty much gone which is scary as I like the reassurance every now and then, I'm not as thirsty as before but I'm still really really tired and have occasional headaches. My appetite is starting to come back but I'm still prone to gagging.

I'm still going in for blood work weekly but all appointments with my clinic are over. My care is being transferred to a midwife who works with a nearby hospital. I'm also starting to wean off my meds which is scary but I'm thrilled about because my butt can't take many more shots. I'm bruised up and so sore. So now I'm doing 2 pills of Estradiol each day, down to 1.0 mL of progesterone injections each day, down to 1 estrogen patch till Saturday then the patches are done, and 1 baby asprin every day.

Week 13
Baby is the size of a hot jalapeno.

I've been off meds completely since week 11. I'm feeling better, and because of that I panicked and went in to my midwife for a quick doppler to check for a heart beat. Everything was ok. We also announced the pregnancy on social media this week. Still feeling tired. I bought my own doppler so I can listen at home and avoid those awful thoughts.

 And that's it!

Haha, no in all honesty I was incredibly lucky with how low key my pregnancy symptoms were: I know it could've been way worse so I feel incredibly lucky. Maybe it's the universe's way of letting me be after the hell we went through to get pregnant in the first place. But I'm not naive enough to think a whole new slew of problems won't pop up as my pregnancy progresses.

I was, and still am, tired a lot and my headaches are more frequent. I go to bed at 8 most nights, but if I have a headache then it will be even earlier. I only puked twice at home and the puke bags were there just to make me feel safe. I didn't actually ever use one. And the Dum Dums helped when I started feeling a gagging fit coming on. I tried ginger chews and those Preggie Pops but most of the flavors made me wanna puke anyway. So Dum Dums did the trick and for way cheaper.

So there you have it!

Second trimester bumps and must-haves | Third trimester bumps and must-haves


  1. I always sucked on peppermints to avoid gagging - I couldn't do the ginger chews at all! Made me want to throw up more haha. Hope everything continues along easily for you!

  2. Yah for these posts! You deserve to boast and share and who cares who reads it anyways?

  3. […] First trimester bumps and must-haves | Second trimester bumps and must-haves […]

  4. […] First trimester bumps and must-haves | Third trimester bumps and must-haves […]


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Maira Gall