Friday, January 9, 2015

Bookmark Dump: Fonts and snacks and embryos

It's the first dump of the year! Even though this feature has been sporadic at times, it's one of my favorites and long lasting. This week was a quick one. It went from 4 degrees to 60 degrees and back again. Which made for perfect black ice conditions. I was terrified driving to work the day after it was 60 because the melting snow just froze right up overnight. I nearly skidded into someone at a traffic light. I don't know how much more I can handle this commute. It's exhausting. But I'm pretty sure I won't find another job with the flexibility I get now anywhere near me. But on a good note, we made the most delicious wild rice soup this week. I can't wait to share it with you. And I got an equally delicious delivery of new yarn. It's been forever since I ordered new yarn. I was trying to use up what's in my stash now, but with all the different weights, it's hard to mix them in projects together.
I'm loving this font but having a hard time justifying the purchase. It's so pretty though!

I love this free printable calendar and the leather and plywood hanger it's on.

This French appetizer looks delicious.

I follow @ivf_through_our_eyes on Instagram.
They are both embryologists and post real pics and time-lapsed videos
of embryos developing through the ivf process. It's really amazing!


  1. GAH that font IS gorgeous!

    It's been crazy weather here too ... last week (and most of the month of Dec.) was pretty warm and mild, but this week it's been in the single digits and we're getting lots and lots of snow. Yuck. Stay warm and safe!

  2. The Showcase font is actually 50% off on Creative Market! I've been debating buying it myself! I might have to before that deal goes away...

    I spent 20 minutes chipping ice off my car this morning. Ugh. I'm ready for summer!

  3. The font is indeed gorgeous! Thanks for the share!

  4. I bought it. I don't even know what I'm gonna use it for. But I love it. Such a cute font. lol

  5. Awesome!! I'm so jealous. I just can't bring myself to it but I'm in love with it anyway :)

  6. Qu'avec you got winter tires? Tell me you got winter tires at least. Winter driving to work sucks.

  7. Sorry, that was supposed to be "Have you got winter tires?"

  8. No, I don't have winter tires. I need to get new ones anyway so they'll just have to do. They are so expensive!

  9. They are expensive but soooo totally worth it. I finally splurged last year, and would never go back, as I do a lot of driving for my job!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall