Friday, November 8, 2013

Pushing blindly through these days is killing my soul

Well, that was melodramatic, wasn't it?

I swear, I'm usually a happy person, see?

I haven't just sat and wrote in a while and I thought I'd open up a new post and go with it. I've been feeling really stressed about work lately. And it's so dumb because the work I do is dumb. The job isn't actually hard but it's the constant repetitiveness and nitpicking that comes along with it. Do it this no now do it that do it this way nevermind....oh wait, you should probably just go ahead and do it that way, the long and hard way. I just found out yesterday that the way I've been doing criminal searches was wrong (not wrong, like I'm going to let a criminal through, but wrong as in no one else who does what I do is doing it that way). But I was only doing what I was told to do. Exactly what I was told to do by my manager nine months ago when I started. No one communicates. No one wants to work as a team. But when something goes wrong, everyone has something to say.

And it's making my brain and soul hurt and there's been plenty of times where right in the middle of an internet search with 300 results, the webpage times out and I fucking cry at my desk. And to make it worse, I don't really have anyone to talk to, except my cubicle neighbor who is great but she can't really relate because she has a different job responsibility and I feel like I'm making a big deal out of nothing. So I sit there all bottled up full of anger, annoyance, depression, with feelings of worthlessness and dread and I don't say anything. Everyone I see is a familiar stranger. People come and go so often because it fucking sucks there. You ask one manager something and you'll get a completely different answer from another one. What is the right way to do things then? This shouldn't be so hard.

I scour Craigslist and get email alerts for radiology jobs every other day and I have applied to a few but, a DUH, NO ONE ever gets back to me because of whatever reason. I have this fantasy that I think about all the time while mind-numbingly running names at work. In this fantasy, I receive an xray job offer that isn't set to start for another 3 weeks, but it's guaranteed to be mine. Then I will call in sick for a week at my current job and use up all my 31 measly hours of PTO (because they probably wont like it if I called in sick during those two weeks of my two weeks notice) and take a nice long mental health vacation. I'll sleep the shit out of my bed. Crochet the shit out of my yarn. Walk the shit out of my dogs. Run the shit out of my treadmill. Read the shit out of my Kindle. Blog the shit out of Wordpress. Then I'll come back refreshed with a 2 weeks notice letter and finish out those two weeks and then it's so long, suckers! Haha oh how I wish...


  1. I'm really sorry the job is so soul-crushing. It's so rough when you can't find any joy or challenge in the job you do. I hope you find something soon. <3

  2. I left a soul-crushing job three months ago. It sounds a lot like yours as far as management goes. I got SUPER lucky with this job that kind of dropped in my lap to be honest. But it’s AMAZING what a pleasant job can do for you! I don’t mind getting up early for it and I’m not pissed at the world when I leave. I hope you find something soon because I know how bad that sucks.

  3. Oh man, I know exactly how you feel! I don't have any advice, but just hang in there and keep looking for something else!

  4. This totally made me think of Office Space when he spoke about reporting to I don't know how many different people, so when he screwed up, he had to hear it multiple times. I know your pain all too well. I'm sitting at a desk every day that just sucks the life out of me where I know I can be making much better use of my time (and more fulfilling) if I was just home. There's a light at the end for both of us.

  5. Ugh, that sounds horrible. I hope things improve for you, and you can find a job that keeps you happier. Best of luck!

  6. Ugh. How frustrating. I hate when people don't communicate, esp. when they work together. I hope you can find a new position soon.

  7. I'm so sorry ur job sucks so much but please try & be a little thankful. I'm 3 months into my 2nd layoff in 2 years. I totally kno what ur saying - I send out several resumes daily & can count on one hand how responses I've gotten back ( all thanks but no thanks)
    Then there is Christmas coming, needless to say it won't be very merry. When u have to choose between power & presents, food & Fa La La La La, it's a no brainier. Don't even get me started on health ins after New Years!!!!! Ugh!

    Right now I'd be so happy to have a job, any job, even a sucky one.

  8. Believe me, I feel your pain with the unemployment too. Before I found this shit job I was unemployed for a year (and before that it was another year of no work when I lived in California) so I know what you're going through. I wish you luck with finding work. I know how frustrating it can be.

  9. lol i love office space. i think i will watch it this weekend :)

  10. that's awesome! and the best case scenario to bypass the entire job hunting process and land a dream job.

  11. thanks caitlin. what's worse is the fact that i have no choice in where i work because of how bad the healthcare industry is right now. its poop.

  12. Thanks, I appreciate that. I guess it's just the holidays coming that's really getting to me. We just talked w/ our kids,grown, last night about not exchanging gifts. Just gonna do grands this year. By this age i Thot we'd be more stable but savings is gone & future seems dim.

  13. Keep plugging away, the right thing will come along! Until then, the dream will keep you sane. Happy hunting.


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Maira Gall