Monday, November 25, 2013

A review on my first Stitch Fix - November's box

Stitch Fix is an online personal styling service and a subscription box of sorts, where you can sign up for one month, or consistent months. Each box includes a few fashionable pieces of clothing or accessories tailored to your size and likes, and is sent to you by mail. Try everything on and then keep what you like, send back what you don't! Before you receive your first box, you fill out a very detailed style profile which includes your height, weight, sizes, price range, likes, dislikes, and you can even submit a Pinterest board that you made so the stylist can get a feel for what you like. And I was so happy with my first box!

I admit I was a bit cynical signing up for my first Stitch Fix box because I am so hard to shop for, let alone the thought of buying clothing online without trying it on first is a big issue for me. But I kept hearing good reviews about Stitch Fix so I thought I'd give it a shot. If I didn't like anything, I could return it all for free and I would only be out $20 went towards the styling fee (the stylist actually putting your box together, which is fair enough).

First of all, and most importantly, everything FIT. That never happens on the first try, but it did. I received 5 things in my box and I liked everything, but I decided to only keep 2.  I'll explain why as I go on.

For now, here's what I got...
(Also, please forgive me for not actually modeling the clothes in action. I'm not a style/fashion blogger for a reason ha ha.)

A Shalina belted kit dress by Ark n Co. I am keeping this because it fits, the little belt is really cute, and it's something I never would have picked out for myself but I really like it. It's formal enough to wear to a wedding but really comfortable and versatile.

I'm also keeping this Kimberly striped pleated skirt by Ark n Co. Again, totally something I would have never thought to try on at the store but it fit and I really love the way it looks. I can wear it with some leggings and a bright colored top. The waist is really high, which is kind of weird for me, but it's comfortable and the high waist makes good on preventing any back skin from showing when sitting down, you know?

Also in the box were this Ivy Lace printed blouse by 41Hawthorn. I didn't end up keeping this because the sleeves were too wide for my taste, and it felt a little too hippy, but I like the idea of the see through top over a cami. Just not this one.

I also received one of my all time favorite pieces of clothing, a button down plaid shirt by Just A Cheap Shirt (ironic because it wasn't cheap). I would have totally kept this but it was way too expensive for just a button down plaid shirt. I could have gotten this at Target for $15 but it was $48. So I sent it back which made me sad because I really did love it. Just not the price.

And finally, they included a long necklace by Bay to Baubles which was pretty, but not my style, I don't like long necklaces.

They also include some photos of the items you were sent for ideas on how to wear it. I am such a dork, I didn't know the belt went with the dress. I'm like, uh this belt wont fit my fat waist...but oh wait, look! lol

So there's my first box! After you receive your box and decide on what you want to keep and/or send back, you go back to Stitch Fix and fill out a feedback form so the stylist can see what you did and didn't like and make changes for your next box. I signed up again for a box in January because I was really thrilled with this one. Hopefully it will be even better next time.

I highly recommend trying this service, especially if you are a little uncomfortable when it comes to fashion and finding clothes that are a little bit more outside your everyday outfits. I am clueless when it comes to fashion. I'm a jeans and a tshirt kind of girl, and I have no clue what looks good or what's in style, so I really appreciate this service in helping me expand my horizons with finding something new!

And I thought it's worth mentioning that the $20 styling fee you pay up front is credited to anything you end up buying. You only lose it if you return the entire box and keep nothing. So you might as well keep something!

If you'd like to sign up for Stitch Fix, please use my personal referral link and you'll be taken right to the style profile form!

This post was not sponsored. I bought my Stitch Fix box on my own and just wanted to share it with you. My affiliate link is included in this post.


  1. I feel like this would be a brilliant site for me. I am a fashion blockhead. . .I live in t-shirt and jeans ALL the time. I do occasionally bust out a sundress in summer, but that's about it. I think I'll have try this out next year. . .maybe a birthday present for myself!

  2. A simple plaid top for $48?? That's crazy :( How much were the ones you kept? I liked those haha

  3. The dress was $78 and the skirt was $58 :)

  4. This sounds like fun, I'd love to receive packages by mail but I am so cheap that most of the time I buy things on clearance :/ I really loved the dress

  5. Everything in my first box was SO expensive. There was a blue blazer I desperately loved, but... yeah, I can't spend $110 on anything. I gave them really specific feedback, so I'm hoping my next box is better!

  6. Yea I was sure to select 'the cheaper the better' for my budget lol

  7. This is the perfect idea for me. I have so many great style ideas but can't apply it. But unfortunately they don't have plus sizes. :/ It's an awesome concept though! If you get more, definitely share! I love your style! :)

  8. I love the idea of Stitch Fix, because I'm kinda fashion challenged but I'm admittedly hesitant to try it considering that I'm plus sized and pretty much every review I've read from that demographic has been negative... which disheartening, but hey... what can you do?


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall