Monday, August 19, 2013

This time last year

I'm a pretty nostalgic person (to a fault probably, sometimes because I feel like I'm stuck in the past but that's another post) and l thought it would be neat to see what I was doing this time last year. I went through my old blog's archives and found this post from August 19, 2012:

The little terrarium plants have since died of course. I can't keep anything alive and thriving except a jade plant since you basically ignore it and it lives. But I have kept the glass ball because I would like to eventually try again with some new victims....I mean air plants.

I had hermit crabs from when we went to Cape May. They too have since died. I hope this black thumb of mine is not a foreshadow of what's to come. But my dogs seem to be alive and well so I can't be that bad.

I cringe to see that I was in the beginning process of starting up my failure of a dog boutique business. Oh, how I would love to have that money back. Don't do it, Leesh!!! You will be getting a real job in 6 more months. Just hang on.

And what's neatest of all is I hadn't painted my nails in so long but yesterday I decided to paint them the exact same color as in that post. Weird! I swear, I didn't plant it.


  1. I am also horrible with keeping plants alive. x.x My little cactus just passed away earlier in the month, sighhhh. I named 'tis and everything!

    I'm sorry about your crab babies. :( Jen and I lost our snail pretty early on, and we don't know why! I think sometimes they just pass early.

    Pretty nails!!!

  2. I kill so many plants :( womp womp. I do a great job with Cypress though!

  3. dogs are easier than plants because at least they can sit and stare at you and send you telepathic messages that it's time to eat :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall