Monday, July 1, 2013

It's still sinking in that we own a house. Here's what happened!

Our final walk through was scheduled for Thursday at 1:30 with closing at 3. And I woke up Thursday morning for work with a terrible anxious stomach ache. I only worked till 12 and I could hardly sit still.  In the back of my mind I kept thinking something's gonna go wrong or we will forget to bring something very important. But thankfully none of that happened. Only one thing threw us off, and only for a short while.

We were going to meet with our agent at the house for the final walk through and when we pulled up, the sellers moving truck was still in the driveway being loaded. From the looks of it, they still had a long ways to go too (the truck looked empty) and so we immediately thought, well great they are going to postpone the walk through and closing till tomorrow because there's probably tons of boxes still inside and I didn't want to have to feel anxious-sick all day again the next day. Then our 2nd thought was how we even gave them a whole extra week to move out and they still needed more time and I started to get mad. But it wasn't the sellers fault because the movers showed up an hour late. And our agent tried to call us to tell us this and to wait until 2:00 for the walk through while we were on the road and of course we didn't hear the phone ring! So we just parked at the end of the street and waited for our agent to arrive.

She arrived and with her leading the way, we walked up to the house totally not expecting to be able to do the walk through, but one of the sellers was still there and he said that the house was empty and all their boxes were just in the garage. Phew!!! So inside we went.

We checked to see that the sellers fixed all the things we agreed on in the contract (wobbly toilet, small crack in garage window, nothing major) and they did. When we came out to leave and head for the closing office, the seller was nice enough to show us how the hot tub worked, that he had a huge pile of left over wood flooring in the shed in case we needed to replace some of it, and some left over extra roof shingles from when the roof was replaced a while back. He was really nice and didn't have to do any of that but he went above and beyond our expectations. Especially after the whole scare of them not being out of the house in time for the walk through.

So we drove behind our agent to the closing office and we were expecting to be there for at least 2 hours or so. Everyone kept telling us how long it would take and would say, "are you ready to sign your life away?" But our mortgage guy was really good and part of his whole deal was that before you come to the office, both parties have to bring their money in a certified check (which were our closing cost fees) because apparently some people go there without it and they have to wait hours for the money to arrive via wire or something like that so people end up leaving without having finalized the sale and come back later. But we signed about, idk maybe between 20-40 forms (I wasn't really paying attention to that) and the sellers gave us their keys, garage openers, and a ton of receipts/warranties/manuals to utilities and fixtures and things in the house (which was again, something they didn't have to do but did because they were really great). Then we gave our check and 30 minutes later, sold!

We all shook hands and we were so excited and our agent and mortgage guy gave us gift cards to Lowe's (which has already been spent on basic things like brooms, rakes, garbage cans, light bulbs, things like that. Two employees at Lowe's asked us when we bought the house because we looked like obvious new homeowners with what was in our cart lol). And with that, we drove back to our rental house, packed our cars with the futon mattress, a lamp, the tv, and anything else we could stuff in, and slept over at the new house. We ordered a pizza and watched Wilfred. And on Friday, Brian's older brother, and parents came to help us pack the uhaul.

The End!

I will post pics of the house as the rooms are finished. We still have a lot of painting and organizing to do. But I do have a bunch of pics I took with my phone from the move over the last few days. Sorry about the quality!

Driving up for the first time after closing. I kept thinking it's ours! It's ours!

Taking a walk around the house with the dogs. They went nuts.

Checking out the deck.

First night here.

Emptying out our rental. Bye bye!

Friday morning, the couches arrive.
All I kept thinking was thank god we don't have to carry these up the stairs

Keeping the dogs happy and out of the way while unloading the uhaul.

We are trying our hardest to keep the dogs off these new couches upstairs. So far so good. But who knows how long it will last. The old couch is downstairs and they can go on that one though.


  1. Congratulations Home Owners! YOU DID IT!!!! Your house is beautiful ;)

  2. Congratulations on the new house!!

  3. Congrats! The doggies look so happy!

  4. I am SO happy for you guys! I can't congratulate you enough. :)

  5. So exciting! Congratulations on getting a home! :)

  6. Congratulations on your new home!

  7. Congrats on the new house!!! :)

  8. Congratulations! It's beautiful and YOUR'S!

  9. Gaaah! Such a super cute house! The dogs look like they're enjoying it too :D Congratulations!

  10. How very exciting... my husband and I moved into our Condo last year around this time. Trust me it will only get better...sometimes I still cant believe we own this place and it makes us so very happy. Enjoy it, enjoy every minute of making your house a home.

  11. The dogs look super thrilled with the new place. Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations love! I'm so happy for you guys!

  13. WOOHOO, so happy for you all!!! This is fantastic, and such a gorgeous home!!!

  14. Congrats on the new house! It looks wonderful and what a huge backyard - a dog's paradise! And you guys even have a hot tub for romantic nights! Awesome! xxx


  16. […] We bought a house In case you missed it or just started reading my blog, we bought a house and moved in at the end of July and learned so much throughout the process. We are enjoying the decorating process and are planning projects for next summer like fixing up the patio, adding a garden and extending the driveway. […]

  17. […] out of California and back to the east coast -Done Buy a house – Done Mow the lawn because that’s what homeowners do – Done (weed whacking, at least) Get (or […]

  18. […] employees in the same facility, are being laid off in January. We are most likely going to have to sell our house, that we just bought and moved into not even 6 months ago, and move to a totally different state, wherever he can find […]


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall