Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Is it possible to be in love with a closet? Because I am. Our closetand bedroom makeover.

We spent the entire weekend making over our bedroom. We made 3 trips to Home Depot in 3 days, but I'm pretty sure we'll be breaking that record with our future projects. We made friends with the paint girl who kept helping us. Anyway, we finally decided on a color after debating between yellow or gray for months and we both agreed that gray was the way to go. If we ever wanted to change the color of things, the gray would be more versatile. Plus, we couldn't take another minute in the baby poop green colored bedroom.

Friday night we got a bunch of samples from Home Depot and tested them on the wall.  Two of the samples ended up looking too white, the other looked like a taupe. So we ended up with Quiet Rain by Glidden (the 3rd one from the left) with the primer mixed in and in eggshell finish. It looked the most gray between all the other samples, but it wasn't too dark.

Saturday we (I) painted the entire day. I wouldn't let Brian help me paint after he took a wet roller to the wall which caused lots of runny watery drips after a tool that was supposed to help us paint near the ceiling without tape malfunctioned. I freaked and said I don't mind doing it myself. But then I got to thinking, what a perfect way to get out of something than to mess it up! Haha! I kid, so while I painted, he tore out the old rod and shelving that was already in our closets.

And he ended up with a bunch of huge holes and dents. So back to Home Depot we went on Saturday night for some spackle and to buy our organization system.

Look at that ugly green! That's what the entire room was in before.
What is it with people painting their rooms in such dreadful colors?

When we woke up Saturday morning we were inspecting my paint job and realized that the paint almost looked like a light icy blue. We were kind of bummed about this because it totally looked gray the day before. But we soon realized that the light was reflecting off Scotch Blue tape causing a light reflection of blue onto the wall. Once we tore off the tape it looked great (we still need curtains! And probably new lamps to match).

Then we got to work building and installing the shelving. We bought Closetmaid kits from Home Depot that you pick and choose how many drawers and rods you want. It's pretty cool.

Our closets are two separate his and hers about 2 feet by 5 feet each. And boy, was it tiny in there when painting! Brian wanted me to paint his closet side the same gray as the bedroom but I was feeling fancy and wanted to go all girlie so I chose Taste of Berry by Behr in eggshell finish.

I felt so claustrophobic in there but since it was such a tiny space I was in and out of there in a matter of minutes. But I kept bumping my booty into the wet paint and injuring myself trying to maneuver around such a small area. And then add the step stool which took up half the space and I was getting paint everywhere. Yes, I know we could have taken the doors down but why do anything the easy way?

Here's some before pictures:
My side, before.

I'm still impressed with the shoe pile I built.

Upper shelf with Puff Puff, my childhood toy I can't part with.

And here's the after pics:

Brian's side looks exactly like mine with the shelving and drawers, I just didn't get a good picture. We are going to replace those awful gold mirrored doors with some nice solid white sliding doors or folding doors, whichever we can find in the right size. And I still want to add about 2 more shelves so we have to find some. The Closetmaid kits don't sell those individually which is a bummer, but I'm sure we can get some wood cut. As for our hampers, they don't really fit in the closet anymore so they might end up in the linen closet in the hallway. I don't know though. But I love how much storage I have now! I never had a place for hats except for on a super high up shelf I could never reach so those are going in the drawer with belts and accessories like that. And the rods can be put at any height you want so Brian installed them so I can reach the highest one easily.

What's our next project you ask? Painting this bad boy blue!


  1. It looks so good! I think I'm in love with your closet too :)

  2. Looks great! I like you added the pop of color to your closet walls.

  3. Love it! I love seeing room makeovers, mainly because I'm absolutely awful at room decorating. I love the grey wall color choice, and your closet looks amazing!

  4. Aw man, this makes me itch to renovate something.. too bad I live in a rental (complete with bad paint choices.. though not as bad as that poop green!). I guess I'll just stick to painting furniture and crocheting everything for now.

  5. What a gorgeous gray color! Perfect neutral for a bedroom, methinks. I would kill for 2 rows of closet rods, my space is teeny tiny--definitely going to check out that closet kit.

    Also, I totally have my childhood stuffed animal (yellow cat that is falling apart) stowed away at the top of my closet too. And, her name is Puffy. Made me giggle :)

  6. I love a grey room! And I love the berry colory you put in your closet.

  7. aww no way! maybe they are made by the same company and are siblings. i'd look but the tag is so faded lol

  8. thanks! decorating definitely isn't easy. i get overwhelmed easily. but the bedroom isn't completely finished yet. there's still some things i'd like to do. and of course, i'll be blogging about it :)

  9. The grey and yellow combo is really lovely. Ordinarily I'd never choose grey for walls but I think it looks really cool! Way better than that dreadful green colour haha. This makes me excited for when I get to decorate a house of my own :)

  10. […] I was a little disappointed that the paint bled under the Scotch Blue tape that worked perfectly in my closet. So I’m not sure what it was about this paint that made it leak under the tape a little (I […]


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Maira Gall