Friday, May 10, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Small talk, paper quilts, and bad lip reading

I'm pretty sure we will be buying something like these starry string lights for our patio.

I need someone to force me to do this workout: Drop a Jeans Size Workout

Hide extra outlets in plain sight. We need this So bad. Brian is the king of extension cords and cables.

We are making these flowerpot cozies for May's crochet along. Would you like to join us?

I love this Walking Dead version of Bad Lip Reading.


  1. Small talk bell curve is so accurate. My husband loathes small talk, and that's exactly why!

    Have a great weekend :)

    XO, Samm

  2. Those power strips are amazing! I love the walking dead, too! Can't wait 'til next season!

  3. Hahaha I love the small talk graph! I'm very awkward with small talk. And I love the paper quilt. That is probably as close as I should get to a quilt.

  4. Urgh, that is SO me with chatting in real life, or over the phone. *cringe* I never ever KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!

    I love the paper quilt, the lights and those wooden outlets are peeeerfect!

  5. me too! i'm horrible with sewing machines. they always jam on me.

  6. i especially hate talking on the phone too! i'd rather email or text for that reason. plus, i never understand what people are saying, like the phone is smashed in their cheek while they talk so its like 'waaah waah blaaah blah bloop' lol

  7. Fitness Magazine has been so helpful! I've been trying to lose weight for a couple of years now (chocolate keeps falling in my mouth) but I've been dead serious for months now, and it's finally working. I want to tone my arms, though, so I went to the fitness magazine website and found so many helpful things and they've really been working for me!

  8. I hadn't seen that bad lip sinking video, its brilliant!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall