Friday, May 24, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Doggie rescue, jeans, and extreme picnicking

This video will make you tear up! It did for me at least. Watch as an Oklahoma tornado survivor talks with a newscaster and finds her dog underneath the rubble! Don't worry, he is okay.

Look at his adorable crocheted tablet cover!

This new to me blog, Tabula Rosi, has such pretty photos and lots of great craft ideas.

Have a great weekend! Hopefully you have a nice long weekend ahead of you to do with as you please.


  1. Oh man that dog video made me cry like a baby, especially the but she says about her prayer being answered I proper wailed haha!

  2. I loved that woman finding her doggy clip! Jen showed me that one. <3 I can't wait to click through the 32 pictures that will make your stomach drop, hehe. I love stuff like that. ;)

  3. me too! the one with the cliff side camping was crazy!!

  4. Perfect timing for the hemming tutorial! I was considering taking a pair of my jeans to get hemmed this week!

  5. Awesome! If you do it let me know how it was. I'm so bad with the sewing machine. I always manage to jam it up.

  6. [...] Thanks Courtney Thanks Kaelah Thanks Kellie Thanks Caitlin Thanks Suzy Thanks Belle Thanks Rookie Thanks Danielle Thanks Sarah Von Thanks Clare Thanks Ashley Thanks Nubby Thanks Alycia [...]


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall